Structure of the PPN

Flat Structure

The PPN is a flat structure. This means that all groups in the PPN have an equal voice and an equal input into decision making.  There is no leader, no overall spokesperson or chairperson.  It is truly a collective, accommodating a wide range of diverse views and perspectives.  It supports each member to develop new skills and contribute in an equal way to the organisation.

The main decision making body of the PPN is the Plenary (i.e. all the independent member groups) which should meet at least twice every year to review the workings of the PPN and set the agenda for the coming period.  The elected Secretariat is responsible for the administration of the PPN between Plenary meetings.  Subsets of the PPN such as Linkage Groups also inform the process.  This is a new way of working which differs from a traditional hierarchical structure and is undoubtedly challenging.  However, there is much evidence around the country of it operating well.


The Plenary (all the member organisations together) is the key decision maker of the PPN, meeting at least twice a year.  Their role is to direct the operation of the PPN, setting overall PPN policy and processes.  Decisions made between Plenary meetings, including the election of representatives, should be presented for ratification to the following meeting. Each independent member group has one vote in the Plenary.  Plenary meetings are an ideal forum for member groups to meet and network and to hear about matters of interest to them.  The Plenary is also charged with developing a wellbeing statement for this and future generations in the area. The Plenary usually meets in May and November.
